One of the most asked for items from customers when they have an access control solution in place is “can we integrate the access control system with the visitor management system? The simple answer is yes, a better question is why? Initially, when asked by a customer if we can integrate the visitor management software with the access control system we always ask why do you want to integrate? What is the purpose? There are 3 very common reasons asked for by customers to integrate with the access control system. When an employee or contractor […]
Globally now searches for QR code has increased around 400% since the beginning of COVID. Some governments like in Australia has made the use of capturing data through a QR code mandatory to assist contact traces. So now when a person comes into your business the Government is collecting data about your visitors including name and mobile phone number 10 years before COVID visitor management systems were electronically collecting data on people visiting your location. Visitor management systems do so much more though…..and YOU get to keep the data Government […]
The Victorian Government regulated the use of their QR Code app for all workplaces a few months back now and as of Monday 12 July it will be mandatory for all workplaces and retail businesses in NSW to have employees, visitors and contractors check-in using the Service NSW QR Code too. Both Government entities are not open at this stage to connect with any third party sign in solution, so we are here to offer you, our loyal customers some helpful tips to ensure you remain compliant with not only […]
Many businesses are now looking into new and better ways to stay COVID safe and remain open. Using an integration with an automated temperature sensor and automated visitor management system will help by ensuring employees and visitors feel confident that their health and safety is being protected. Visitors and Contractors can simply walk up to the temperature sensor unit (with an inbuild automatic hand sanitisor dispensor) and have their temperature taken. Then upon an acceptable temperature result a QR code will be displayed on the screen which the visitor can […]
The EOFY is fast approaching and as well as being the perfect time to get your finances in order, the financial year also brings opportunity to eligible businesses such as the ATOs instant asset write off scheme. Here are some of the latest kiosk used for visitor management systems. Desktop kiosk – from $3,750.00* Australian design & manufactured 3 year warranty and local support Brother label printer Camera housed neatly on top Barcode/QR Code Scanner for a touchless sign in Optional – RFID Reader All in one branded freestanding kiosk […]
Today many companies have replaced the old paper manual sign in books with a more modern digital visitor management solution to tighten security and free up the receptionist or to manage an unmanned reception area. Standard features include self sign in on an iPad or tablet, selecting who they are there to see and the host receives an notification of their arrival. However, did you know Visitor Management System can also do the following; Health screening questions for visitors, employees and contractors Deny Access based on answers and compliance checks […]
Issuing keys is very easy to do, a person walks up and asks for a key, the key is issued and off they go. I remember the first time I came across an issue with key issuance. It was a High School where the keys were kept in a cupboard back then behind reception. An employee would walk up and ask for the key to the ute, the key was issued, noted on a piece of paper and then the worker would go off with the ute. Eventually, the worker […]
When you replace your paper sign in process with an automated visitor management system you open up a whole new world for reporting. With a Visitor Management System you are provided a variety of ways to quickly and easily sign in your visitors, contractors and employees plus turn on some more features to access reports that may include; People Presence – Report on the people that have been recorded on-site. Custom Questionnaire Reports – Report on the answers to custom questions asked upon sign in and out. Acknowledgement Notice Reports – Report on […]
Fun projects are just that, they are fun. The Time & People team has enjoyed this project where we are assisting AES Global in the Dominican Republic to digitize several forms including ladder inspection forms. AES is currently expanding the visitor contractor management software throughout the Dominican Republic, Panama, and Mexico. The software is primarily being used for contractor presence on-site and compliance. The entire implementation has been run with Time & People out of Sydney Australia. This week the Time & People team have assisted to convert some Spanish […]
In this blog, I am going to share information on why existing customers have expanded the visitor, contractor, and evacuation system across multiple locations within their business. Some customers will expand the visitor system locally, some nationally and some will even expand globally. No matter how you look at expanding your solution across multiple locations there are 5 common requests that all customers are looking for before expanding the solution. It is very common for a single location to get started without much fanfare, often head office can be unaware, […]
Add another layer of security to your organisation’s site visitor management with drivers licence scanning. Using an automated visitor management system with an integrated scanning process makes it both simple and quick. What is the scanning process? Scan using an iPhone/iPad app that allows you to quickly and securely capture and register your visitor’s identity by scanning their photo ID. The information is automatically uploaded to your visitor management system, to either sign in as a new visitor or update an existing/pre-registered profile. There is no need to enter the […]
Australian Border Force has minimum standards that bonded warehouses must comply with when it comes to visitors and employees. Many bonded warehouses actually think they need to collect more data than the ABF require. Minimum requirements for visitors and contractors It is also a licence condition that licence holders maintain a log of all visitors to the licenced warehouse and must make this log available to ABF officers on request. Visitor logs must include full name, address, driver’s licence number if applicable and the name of the person being visited. (using […]