Hosting an event like a trade show is no doubt a learning process. Each year you learn something new about running the event, and most organisers adjust accordingly. Anything from the venue to scheduling may need to be adjusted, and one of the best ways to know what works and what doesn’t is to ask your exhibitors. Getting Exhibitor Feedback At the conclusion of your event, make sure you get feedback from your exhibitors. Most of them have been to multiple trade shows and they can tell you the high […]

A receptionist can act as the face of your company, as they are the first person that visitors to your office or job site will see. But is it really necessary to have someone employed full-time to sit at a reception desk? These days, more businesses are opting for other alternatives, including hiring staff that can multitask; completing reception duties as necessary, and then moving along to complete other necessary tasks. Some companies are choosing not to have a true receptionist on location at all, and instead, these businesses may […]

Whatever your visitor policy, it is important that you have staff trained to greet visitors in a way that is professional, yet friendly. After all, the person at a reception desk, for example, is the one that provides that essential first impression about any business. Tips for Office Greetings Greet people clearly when they enter – you don’t want any visitor left feeling unwelcome or unrecognized when they enter the building. Don’t risk creating this impression by greeting visitors too quietly. Keep your demeanor professional, but friendly! Make sure visitors […]

Construction sites are flooded daily with a steady stream of workers, subcontractors, and people who are familiar with the safety regulations of the workplace. Many visitors, however, don’t have the same knowledge and training to ensure their safety on the job site. By implementing a policy specifically for visitors, you can limit the safety risks for everyone. Designate visitor-friendly areas – one way to ensure visitor safety is to keep certain areas of the job site off limits. Mark these spaces clearly and confirm with visitors that they understand the […]

A construction site is one place where keeping track of visitors is essential. However, beyond tracking and documentation, you’ve also got to ensure that your visitors are familiar will be safe, and that involves educating them: Make sure they review a manual on visitor safety – a basic safety manual should be read by all visitors before entering a work area. Additionally, they should also be verbally briefed by a site worker that can tell them about more specific things to watch out for. Have them sign that they understand […]

There comes a time in any construction project when the corporate bosses with the company behind the initiative will stop by to check out the site’s progress. This can be stressful, as these are the people that your staff is reporting to. However, a little preparation goes a long way: Have the foreman or a site supervisor escort the visitors – this is for the sake of safety, and effectively informing the corporate executives visiting your site. Ensure that someone is available to greet them, so they don’t end up […]

There are always going to be visitors to a job site, but where there’s construction there is also danger. So it is important to limit the quantity of visitors, and that means setting parameters regarding who is welcome. Below are some of the common people that can often be found on job sites. Some have a good reason to be there; others should not necessarily be allowed unless there is a good reason. Owners – owners and executives that work for the company the construction is being done for will […]

When you setup a job site where construction is taking place, and there is heavy machinery, you need to be contentious of safety. What you may not realize is that your business is liable, not only for ensuring the safety of all contractors and staff onsite, but anyone who sets foot into the area. Keep in mind that if any injuries occur to anyone on your job site, it may not jut be the Workman’s Compensation programs, and investigations you need to worry about; you may also find your business […]

Everyone who runs a business these days not only has concerns with cutting company costs whenever they can, but also how to make their business as a whole more green-friendly. One of the easiest ways to take care of both concerns is by switching your visitor management system to an online based management system. Not only do online visitor management systems allow you to easily and efficiently manage who is coming and going in your building, they also allow you to cut waste from needles paper products and supplies to […]

Communication and planning for an event doesn’t have to fall under the “stress-out” category; in fact, with an online event management system, everything you need for your upcoming event, large or small, is at your fingertips. The online system will virtually eliminate endless and often confusing paper trails, while ridding those in charge from the headache of figuring out which tasks have been completed, and the progress of other tasks.

Do you remember that visitor from that one business who came in last April? If you don’t have a photographic, cataloged memory as to who that visitor was, you better have those log books safely stored away for when your boss needs that specific name of the potential client or friend-of-a-friend’s. But, what happens when your system fails, and you find the entire month of April, and that person’s name is nowhere to be found. For whatever circumstance of fate, they never signed in and now there name is nowhere […]

Whether you’re having some renovation work done, new IT infrastructure installed or you’re putting on an event, there’s one thing which is all but certain: there are going to be contractors on site at your building or offices who are not part of your own workforce. It’s a necessity to get the help of outside companies to handle tasks which your own staff aren’t qualified to do sometimes, but it can also be difficult to keep track of all of the comings and goings in the meantime unless you’re using […]