Hybrid work strategies can turn even the best run workplace into an attendance guessing game. Knowing when your employees are working from the office or home and keeping them safe has never been more challenging.
If you are part of the many workplaces moving towards a more flexible working environment there are some essential tools to help you manage these changes.
You can give your employees the power to create their work schedule, book a desk or parking space. Create zones or areas so teams can collaborate and work together.
Your staff can quickly manage the next working day, week, or month with multiple bookings through a mobile app.
Workplaces gain visibility of expected numbers with new reports, giving detailed insights into your on-site occupancy.
You can deny schedules or get alerts when reaching max capacity, allowing you to size the physical workspace to align with your needs and occupancy levels.
These applications are great tools to manage the above and more;
- Choose if bookings can be made for a full day or hourly
- Allow global roaming employees to make bookings at locations they are visiting
- Limit bookings to the location’s occupancy limit
- Prevent employees who have not made a booking from signing in
- Limit bookings to operating hours
- Choose how far in advance employees can make a booking
- Be notified when employees sign in or out
If you would like more information on how you can use tools like these to manage your hybrid workplace call
1300 800 077