I live in Sydney Australia, for the past 3-4 months, we have not been able to go to any pub or restaurant without giving our name and number on arrival, originally with a pen and paper before a QR code Poster started to appear. This has expanded to national retail stores and thousands of smaller businesses have also set up an electronic QR Code Poster for customers to sign in their presence on-site giving their name and mobile phone number.
Collecting a customer’s name and number allows for faster contact tracing should a situation unfold at your location. This process has assisted Australia to lead the way with the lowest numbers of COVID in the world.
Just this morning I was working with a customer in Green River Wyoming and I was sharing the story of the QR code poster being used in Australia, I asked if there was any system like this in Green River. I was surprised to discover no system like this was in place for contact tracing. It is no mistake Australia is leading the way around the world with the lowest COVID numbers.
Need to set up visitor sign in?
Need to have employees sign in presence on-site?
Make your business COVIDsafer
Book in a 15-minute call and I will get you started.