Advising your visitors and contractors on important safety information can sometimes be overlooked!
It’s important for anyone coming onsite to know of any potential dangers and what to do in an emergency situation.
Visitor Management Systems can assist you in passing on this important and sometimes life saving information in more ways than you think;
1/. Sign in kiosk – custom questions
Set up site specific questions that can be different for each type of person signing in – employee, contractor or visitor.
Ask any question and depending on the answer take your visitor or contractor down a different work flow;
Use images to get across multiple messages on the one screen;
2/. Online Inductions
Build as many online inductions as you need for contractors or employees. These are different from the kiosk custom questions where they can be quite lengthy with questions included, add video content and test scoring in each course. These type of inductions are usually sent out to contractors prior to them arriving on site and they can be sent to an email or mobile phone to complete.
3/. Have one Kiosk do both of the above
Using one iPad/Kiosk your contractors have the ability to choose to complete an online induction if not already completed or proceed to sign in/out, while visitors can complete a simpler shorter kiosk style induction when they sign in, all from one single kiosk.
4/. Mobile Phone App
Contractors working on remote sites signing in on a mobile phone app can still be notified of any potential hazards.
If you need to improve the way you currently pass on your safety message when inducting visitors and contractors please call us now on 1300 800 077