As more Aged Care facilities come on board using visitor, contractor and induction management software more locations want a better way to manage the residents. While the software is normally set up to manage the presence of visitors including family members and contractors we are finding more locations wanting to have the ability to electronically sign out the residents when they leave and sign in the residents when they return for the ultimate onsite live evacuation reporting.
Once we started signing out residents then customers wanted to gather information about where the resident was going and for how long, next question was many of our residents and family members speak another language besides English, so we solved this problem as well.
Below you will see some screen shots showing how easy it is to gather information when a resident signs out for better information on when the resident is expected to return and also recording who has take the resident off location. You can create your own unique questions for your location, create your own languages as needed at your location.
What day will you be returning in english
What day will you be returning in Spanish
Like to know more about how visitor, contractor and induction management software can help you at your location have the most accurate evacuation reports including residents?
100 second short video