I have blogged hundreds of blogs about customers over the years but I am not sure I have ever said “customers are amazing” I have certainly praised customers in so many ways over the years and now it is time to share another story on why my customers are amazing.
All the blogs I have written over the years of customer stories have of course come from customers and often the customer has given us an idea that has gone into the software for all customers globally to use like Darwin International Airport when they requested dashboards for managers to see which contractors were currently on site from the smart devices 5 years ago.
Today I wanted to share another story about an amazingly simple idea while at the same time taking the opportunity to shout out to all of our customers to say thank you, you are amazing!
So the idea presented this month was around speeding up the process of signing regular people into a building, in this instance it was employees and contractors. Our software has been used for some time at Downer Rail and they wanted a faster way to sign in regular people on site including contractors and employees. The Visitor Management System has had the ability to sign in employees and contractors by bar code for many years, most customers who have gone down this path have used a bar code ID card that includes photo for identity checks, some customers in countries like NZ, Canada and some states in USA use the bar codes on the drivers licence of the employee or contractor, problem is not everyone has a drivers licence.
What is it that everyone does have? of course it is a mobile phone, so my customer thought the easiest and lowest cost way for employees and contractors to sign in quickly was by using the mobile phone. We will release in 2018 the ability to use the GPS position of the mobile phone to sign a person in as they walk through a Geo Fence but what happens when employees don’t want to use this technology that does drain the battery further or what happens when the mobile phone goes flat?
What does happen when a mobile phone goes flat? How can you sign in electronically?
Here is my “this customer is amazing story”….so simple really, they have just added a QR code to the back of each persons mobile phone or mobile phone case. Problem solved, employees and contractors signing in quicker, they are happier and compliance just went up a notch.
What is the easiest way to scan a QR code for presence on site?
- With an iPad using the camera (lowest cost solution)
- Adding a Socket Mobile Bluetooth scanner to an iPad or existing visitor kiosk (you need a 2d Scanner)
What problems could you solve with a visitor contractor management system at your location? Book in a 50 minute demonstration or 15 minute call to discuss
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