Are we really looking after our most vulnerable loved ones?
We certainly don’t want to see our elderly locked up in aged care facilities or retirement villages but are the current security measures failing to keep them safe?
With over 1 million people in Australia receiving aged care services and this number is expected to rise to more than 3.5 million by 2050, more and more facilities are taking steps to assist with the following concerns;
Theft and Intrusion – with hundreds of visitors coming and going each day and busy or unattended reception areas allowing anyone to just walk in, monitoring who has arrived and who they are visiting is a very difficult process. Facilities are turning to automated visitor management systems to register all visitors and also capture and store photo ID prior to them being permitted onsite. This process also gives you a log of who the visitor was there to see and for how long.
Key Issuance – if you think the whereabouts of keys is a problem in your own house (I know it’s a daily problem in mine), then you can only imagine that key control can be a major issue of concern in these large facilities. Master keys and control cards to the likes of pooled vehicles, safety equipment and special access rooms can be found unattended on desks or unlocked drawers and knowing where and who they were issued to last and when they are due back can be a real challenge. Implementing a visitor management system with asset management will make it easy to manage the inventory of of these types of assets and take the hassle away from tracking where they are, who is responsible for them and when they are due back.
Visitor Control and Compliance – with so many different type of visitors entering aged-care on a daily basis there can be multiple messages to pass on and different information to collect. Whether it be a family member, friend, contractor or volunteer having a sign in kiosk allows the facility to set up multiple inductions specific to the visitor type. The current Community Visitors Scheme (CVS) volunteers are required to undergo a police check and the facility must keep a copy of this to assist with compliance requirements. This record can be stored within the Qualification Management module of a visitor management system and automatically checked each time the volunteer signs in.
If your facilities safety and security measures could be enhanced by implementing a visitor and contractor management system and you want to learn more about the features and benefits – Register here for an online demonstration
Some Aged Care Facilities and Retirement Facilities currently using Visitor Management Systems
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