As Opera Australia prepares for the new production of Puccini’s La Bohème on Sydney Harbour, they not only have to work with the challenges of constructing a spectacular over the water stage but also make snow fall from the sky on Sydney Harbour (yes, really!)

If this isn’t challenging enough they also have 100’s of employees, contractors and assets to manage from the temporary outdoor venue.
For the past 3 years Opera Australia has engaged Time & People to assist with Visitor, Contractor and Induction Management to help manage who is arriving and leaving the location 24 by 7 and if they are authorised to do so, whilst preparing for these amazing events.
Prior to using the Visitor Management System Opera Australia managed the sign in and out process and issuance of assets like radios and PPE gear manually with spreadsheets.
With Contractor Management they can be assured that all contractors coming on-site have already completed all necessary inductions and all relevant qualifications, licences and insurances have been validated.
Using Asset Management to manage an inventory of power tools, props, first aid gear, PPE and more takes the hassle away from tracking where those assets are and who is responsible for them, allowing them to get on the with job at hand. We can only imagine what is involved when re-creating a wintery Parisian landscape, complete with beautiful cobblestone laneways, glowing street lamps, along with fabulous special effects and all over the water on Sydney Harbour!
To learn more about how a Visitor Management can help your business …
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