TNT originally started using Visitor Management software implemented by Time & People in the office at Botany in NSW to manage the presence of visitors visiting the location, the visitor signs in, the host is notified and a visitor pass is printed. Early in 2017 the system was expanded to Erskine park to also capture the visitors but also contractors. Last month the implementation was completed at another TNT location this time it was Melbourne Airport TNT Express location specifically to manage contractors and inductions. The solution offers two ways to complete inductions.
1- Kiosk Inductions – for visitors and contractors – short 1-5 pages of information to be acknowledged by the visitor or contractor
2 – Online Inductions – for employees and contractors – As many as you need, as long as you want with as many pass fail rate questions that you need.
More about TNT
TNT aims to be a trustworthy, values-based company with a reputation for integrity, transparency and compliance. To support this aim, we have developed and implemented an Integrity Programme, and introduced Business Principles and related policies and procedures. See more at
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