Got this cracker of a question from one of our customers this week using the software nationally…
Hi Peter
Is there any way that we can add RISK to a Service provider so that it is viewed on the main summary page and exported.. eg High, Medium, Low RISK ?
Contractor Risk – Do you need to know?
This is a great question and one we get frequently, here is another variation from a large global customer only a couple of weeks ago.
Hi Peter
We want to deny access to a service provider based on a variable which is built into our main global supplier system that scores contractors based on all the information available including external information not provided by the contractor. We grade suppliers into the following groups
Grade A
Grade B
Grade C
Grade D
Grade E
Grade F
So how hard is this to set up?
First you have to create a contractor category “Contractor Risk” and then create some groups High Risk, Medium Risk and Low Risk
Next you will assign the risk level to each contractor company (supplier). You can manually update each individual supplier on a small data base or you can automate with our API pulling data from much larger internal systems you already have in place.
Many systems are in place all over the world tracking the risk of suppliers, what is missing from nearly all of the systems is there is no connection between the arrival of a contractor and the internal risk database. This is where Visitor Contractor management software steps in where we capture the presence of each person on site by asking them to sign in and sign out instantly connecting the sign in process with the risk data that has been collected.
Now for something you may not have expected, when a contractor signs in from a company that is set to the group High Risk we can trigger a message out to the nominated person for your company alerting you to the fact that a high risk company has just signed in.
An example trigger action
{{}} from {{match.from}} just signed in and is a HIGH RISK contractor
You can contact the contractor – the mobile is {{}}
Once all of this is set up you can go to “organizations” and run a report using the drop down lists to select the group “High Risk”
It is really nice when a customer comes up with an idea of how they would like to use your software and you can say it is already in the system out of the box, you just have to set this up :))
Just this week I met with a company that has hundreds of companies around Australia, risk is a high priority and is a part of the contractor compliance. The company does an excellent job of having all the data up to date but no one checks the contractor when they arrive on site, there is no connection between a compliance issue like an expired insurance policy and the contractor arriving on site. Visitor Contractor management software solves this issue instantly.
Book in a demonstration and take a look at how Visitor and Contractor management software can help you in your business.