Moving Location, nearly all businesses at some stage giving enough time to pass will need to move, upsizing, downsizing, lower cost rent, moving office to the next suburb, building acquired….
When it is time to move sometimes you can plan and sometimes you get 30 days notice. What is my checklist, where do i start? Who will ask for my assistance? I have spoken to many reception staff who manage much more than reception. When it comes time to move reception staff can be expected to become complete organisers for the entire move with admin, IT, security, finance all coming to reception asking for things to be completed, organised or triggered.
There is a lot to organise including the visitor book. With hundreds of things to do how can reception manage all of the information?
Whenever I start a list I go to my favorite list program Workflowy. Workflowy allows me to create many lists and sublists of things to do, I can then as I start to organise the items in the list cross them off as done. Workflowy allows me to drop everything in my head into a place of organisation. I can access from my PC, iPad and mobile phone, whenever I think of something important for my list it is easy to add for future reference.
Slack, a $2 billion company, was started with WorkFlowy
Stewart Butterfield and his team used WorkFlowy to brainstorm and implement the first version of Slack. They managed their entire team and product development process in WorkFlowy, inviting us in to see how they used WorkFlowy before they announced Slack to the world.
When it comes to organising a move Workflowy allows you to not only build out your list but you can share with the relevant people.
Your list might start as follows at a high level
Each high level category can be shared with the appropiate people keeping every on the same page.
Now you have your high level lists you can dig deeper and create sub lists within the list, for example
You can continue to dig as deep as you want by creating sublists within lists
The CEO of Atlassian, a company worth over $3 billion, stays productive with WorkFlowy
Atlassian makes some of the world’s leading tools for collaboration, productivity and software development. Their founder and co-CEO Mike Cannon-Brookes uses WorkFlowy for his day-to-day notes.