Contractor lite Induction when signing into a location can include informative information for the specific site for example a gymnasium or health club may have rules around taking photos that could include information about mobile phones and cameras not being permitted on-site. Another common statement that needs to be made to people arriving on site is…… no smoking
Typically after a contractor has completed a detailed induction that could go for 20 to 30 minutes it is nice to know that any time in the future you can share specific information with the contractor each time they sign in & out of your location. Another common question asked of contractors when they sign into a location is….. Do you have a work order number? the answer to this question can be yes or no.
Another common question for schools with contractors is….. do you have your working with children card? The answer to the question can be yes and no where yes will ask for the card number to be entered into the software when the contractor signs in and no will not allow the contractor to sign in until they have spoken with the contract manager at the school
WhosOnLocation contractor management software gives you the ability to build a question tree around the 1st question where the answer yes can move to one piece of information while the answer no can move to another piece of information. All of this is done at a self-serve kiosk.
Click to view short sign in question video asking what is your work order number?