This update slipped by, these visitor management features were released earlier this year and all became instantly popular.
Wow, this is one of the best updates I have seen from the team, this update is action packed here are my 3 favourites
Update 1 – easier set up of Dymo and Brother label printers for visitor labels
Over the past 6 years we have been printing visitor passes, we can do this from any browser, the set up of this process has always been a little complicated. This previous process was often complicated further when more than one printer was connected to the PC. We always got the label printer working but it was complicated at times.
On the weekend we have released an update to the visitor pass printing set up process that makes this process seamless taking more than 50 steps down to several steps.
We have also included the wireless brother label printer the Brother 720 N and 720 NW into the visitor management app for your iPad visitor kiosk.
Update 2 – GPS tracking technology on mobile phone app
We have a lot of customers using our mobile phone app to sign in and out of locations with the sign in and out time going directly into the visitor management software for evacuation reporting. Some of our customers that are heavy users of this free app are wind farms. Wind farms can be 50klms long actually knowing where on the wind farm the employee or contractor signed in has been an issue.
On the weekend we have released GPS integration allowing the GPS position of the employee or contractor to be recorded against the sign in and sign out time.
We have been most surprised by the amount of schools taking up this option allowing teachers to sign in at the back of the school without coming down to reception.
Update 3 – identity manager allows easy set up of bar code and access control cards
Making it easier for people to sign in and out for evacuation reports is one of our goals. The easier it is for people to sign in and sign out the greater chance of having the most current evacuation reports.
On the weekend we have released the ability to set up an existing access control card against the profile of an employee, teacher, student, contractor and more. Simply scan the existing card into the profile of the person and they can fast swipe in and out each time they come and go. You can also use bar codes. In New Zealand, USA and Costa Rica for example all drivers licence have a bar code, so in New Zealand many customers use this feature in our original Visitor Management platform. I use my favourite water bottle, you can use your coles or woolworths cards or any other card to sign in and sign out. Teachers can use working with children card or blue card in QLD.
The easier we make it for people to sign in and sign out the better evacuation reports you will have in your business.