At the end of last year we took on a tender for a number of locations for a Queensland government organisation. During the tender process we were asked to have Chamber of Commerce & Industry Queensland (CCIQ) industry accreditation for Government Suppliers.
I was surprised by how much work was involved to complete the accreditation, I am very pleased that we have now been accredited and are able to provide services to Queensland government organisations. We needed the accreditation to be able to sign off the contract with our customer. Below I will details some information around the accreditation process and the broad steps that were taken to get approval.
Details about the process
QAssure is a streamlined accreditation program for Information and Communications Technology (ICT) suppliers wishing to tender for Queensland Government work.
Managed by CCIQ, the QAssure register of pre-qualified suppliers is open to public and private companies, government-owned corporations, not-for-profits and other entities.
QAssure accreditation means your business will undergo a financial and insurance review process. If you are certified, you will receive a unique number to indicate you are qualified as a goods and services provider for 12 months. Time & People’s QAssure number is 12210
Step 1 was to build the tender using our proposal and answering all questions that were asked
Step 2 was to complete the QAssure Accreditation
Step 3 was to complete the government information technology contracting (GITC) accreditation
Step 4 was the transition in services contract that was put in place before the final contract was created and signed
Step 5 was the signing of the final contract that is created with all the approvals in place.
Time & People provide visitor and visitor, contractor Management software to organisations all over the globe with customers from New Zealand to Canada and everywhere in between.
Time & People were successful with the tender, the full story will be published in the coming weeks.
If you would like to introduce visitor or visitor and contract management to your Queensland Government organisation please contact Peter Morrissey on 1300 800 077 to have an initial discussion around your requirements.