Over the past 6 years we have picked up quite a few wind farms as customers. Wind farms are a little unique to most businesses where the contractors and employees can travel across more than 50klm’s on any given day. Most businesses are in a fixed small footprint location where wind farms can be built over hundreds of klm’s on a fixed location.
While we have always known what time employees and contractors have arrived at the location on wind farms we never new if the employees and contractors had signed in at the front gate or 20klms away at the back gate. This issue was discussed with many customers through workshops to establish the requirements to build out WolMobile.
As WolMobile was built out further from customer feedback it was established that any employe or contractor could use the app to sign in and out of a location adding the employee and contractor automatically to the evacuation reports.
Another perfect application for WolMobile is where dozens or hundreds of locations are involved and it is not feasible to add hardware at each location for employees or contractors to sign in and out on arrival or there is no infrastructure at each location to include any hardware allowing employees and contractors to sign in and out on arrival and when they leave.
WhosOnLocation announces the release of WolMobile, a new app for iPhone and Android users. WolMobile allows users to tag their current Geolocation status, as well as tag themselves on-site into any building or location associated with their place of employment, anywhere in the world.
Users can:
- Tag themselves on or offsite any location in their WhosOnLocation account, instantly updating that location’s evacuation report.
- Tag their current Geolocation, wherever they are in the world, giving real-time visibility to their employer of where they are.
- Set WolMobile to follow their GeoLocation, allowing their employer to track their position where user safety and security requires it.
WolMobile Works with any recent iPhone, Android, Windows, or other smartphone with a touch enabled interface as an HTML 5 web app from the users mobile phone browser. Users can also get the WolMobile app in the iOS App Store or Android Google Play.
“When an employee’s role requires them to work off-site and/or where the security and safety of the employee must be validated, or where a high level of integrity is required in evacuation reporting organizations have often struggled with deploying a cost effective solution whilst also having to invest in proprietary hardware” says Darren Whitaker-Barnett, CEO at WhosOnLocation.
“WolMobile is designed to address the growing demand for employers to demonstrate that they can account for all people in the event of an emergency. Health and Safety, Facilities, and Security managers can login from their PC or tablet to view where their people are, in real-time. Furthermore employees do not have to worry about their employer tracking their every move as users are in control. Users can decide where and when any GeoLocation position is transmitted”
WolMobile is one of several apps for the Visitor Management Software,