On a road trip last week I met with two schools one who recently started using the Visitor Management System and one who was still in the process of setting up the visitor management system. Nowra East Public School was the first stop. Nowra East Public School just celebrated its 59th year recently and looks after approx 300 students each year.
I met with Megan and Linda, they were already all set up after initially starting a 30 day trial of the visitor management system. They also purchased an iPad and iPad stand to set up a kiosk in the main reception area plus a second iPad and iPad stand to set up a teachers kiosk in the staff room allowing the teachers to now sign in and out electronically replacing the paper time sheets that were in place.
Nowra East Public School Visitor Management Kiosk
While on the road I also got to meet Maureen from Moss Vale High School. Moss Vale High School is just over 51 years old and caters for around 600 students each year.
Maureen had also already set up the back end software and was waiting for the hardware to be delivered and installed. Once the kiosk gets installedMaureen will be able to turn on the visitor management software allowing visitors and contractors to sign in and out.
While on site at Moss Vale High School I also got to meet the principle Peter 🙂
I wrote a few weeks back about a new feature coming shortly that will give schools much more flexibility around the way people sign in and out of schools. You can read more here
As we continue to roll our visitor management software to more schools we are seeing common requirements from the schools including
- Evacuation Management
- Better recording of visitor and contractor movements
- Employees and casual teacher sign in and out
- Reporting