I was sent an email today from a close friend, Pamposh is on top of most things but this news release will be missed by most small business owners because they are all so busy out there working every day. The article starts with ….
…..A public sector procurement overhaul by the New South Wales government intended to make it easier for small-to-medium enterprises to bid for state tenders has come into effect with the state government pushing hard to widen its purchasing options.
Under the new arrangement, which started on 1st July 2014, government agencies are now required to seek at least one quote from a small-to-medium enterprise for contracts worth up to $1 million.
The changes affect the government’s supplier pre-qualification scheme, which are intended to give smaller businesses cheaper and easier access to bid for more than one billion dollars of government work annually.
The scope of work available to SMEs now stretches across the entire state government, and includes building and construction, ICT and other professional services.
The article went on with details about how you can now within government in non-metropolitan areas spend up to $5000 including GST from local suppliers without going through all the red tape hoops currently in place.
………Mr Perrottet stressed that the state government was intent on pushing through reforms that will make it easier for businesses in regional NSW to secure government work.
Another benefit that Mr Perrottet detailed was the new policy’s effect on locally-based small businesses, saying that government agencies located in non-metropolitan areas can now purchase goods and services up to $5,000 (including GST) directly from local suppliers.
A big advantage in that reform for small businesses is that state agencies can now bypass existing whole-of-government contracts.
“Not only does this help make it simpler and quicker for agencies to procure goods and services, but it also means that they are able to support local businesses in the communities they reside,” Mr Perrottet said.
He added that small businesses are the “backbone of a sound and steady economy”, and that it is “essential that governments do all they can to assist and support local enterprise”.
This is great news for all those government departments who are looking to purchase low cost systems under $5000. You now have an easier path to purchase.
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