It’s the 21st Century. These days your receptionist, security guard or whoever is receiving visitors to your location shouldn’t have to waste precious time phoning, emailing, and looking for staff just to advise them that they have a visitor. I’ll reveal exactly why you won’t have to put up with this pain for much longer…
We have all experienced holding on the phone when we call to ask for a person in the business the to talk to, recently I called one location on 4 occasions after the previous three calls all dropped out as I was transferred. We all wasted time.
When we turn up to visit a person with a meeting time set we can still find that we are left waiting in reception. On arrival we tell the receptionist who we are here to see, often we need to fill in a manual visitor sign in book. Then we wait, the receptionist gets busy and our 2 minute wait turns into 10 minutes.
The receptionist finally gets time to attend to me again and calls my hosts land line again, problem is my host is not at his desk.
We could resolve all of these issues with a simple Visitor Management kiosk allowing the user to walk up and select the person they are here to see, as soon as completed the host will automatically receive an email and/or SMS text message alerting them that you are in reception waiting. No matter how many kiosks you have in your business each one can be individually identified allowing personal messages for each kiosk based on where it is positioned in the business.
For example a kiosk at the back dock would send an SMS message to the host indicating I just arrived at the back dock.
Kiosks and SMS messages are perfect when hosts that receive a lot of visitors are always on the move, it is much easier for a person who works all day at their desk, people that move around needed more efficient systems.
You can do this just as easy without a kiosk with the receptionist receiving the visitor on their PC, as soon as the visitor information is received electronically into system the host will receive the same email and/or SMS.
To continue doing things the way they are today is to continue to waste everybody’s valuable time, we all have better things to do than chase employees for visitors.
Read more and see a short demonstration on Visitor Management
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