This week we officially launched mobile data collection for contractors, employees and vehicles with the new SiteGuard feature
SiteGuard is effectively the mobile version of WhosOnLocation. SiteGuard is an iPhone application. SiteGuard only
supports the tracking of registered contractors, employees, and vehicles into and out of a
location in the initial release. Visitors at the time of release are not captured.
SiteGuard is ideally suited to locations where managing the attendance of contractors,
employees, and vehicles from a PC or laptop (say located in the security hut or reception
area) will not suit the operating environment. Examples include high security sites like
prisons, embassies, and constructions sites where it is easier for the security guard or
receptionist to have the capability to be mobile and tag people and vehicles on and off site
instead of the people and/or their vehicles having to go to a static security location or reception area.
SiteGaurd also allows you to spot check a contractor, employee or vehicle on the location with
photo verification
Regardless of how a person or vehicle is tagged in or out, all transactions are reconciled for
reporting later.
The SiteGuard User can work offline but must be online to Sync.
People Tracking Options
SiteGuard supports:
1. The scanning of approved employee and contractor ID Cards – both Barcode and
2. The manual lookup and signing in and out of approved employees and contractors.
Vehicle Tracking Options
SiteGuard supports:
1. The scanning of vehicle issued ID Cards – both Barcode and RFID
2. The manual lookup and signing in and out of registered vehicles.
SiteGuard allows for the tracking of people and vehicles across multiple LACP or Area/Zone/s
1. Location Access Control Point (LACP) means the physical point where people
must come to in order to be signed in or out of that location. (Locations can have one
or multiple LACP’s)
2. Area | Zone means an space or area, zone within a Location. Examples might
include Level 1, Level 2, or Head Office might comprise of a campus like layout and
so the location known as Head Office is made of Building 1, Building 2 etc…
In summary the SiteGuard feature with Grabba Pack configured for WhosOnLocation gives your
mobile workforce the ability to scan contractors, employees and vehicles into and out of locations
where it is not possible to have a manned security hut or office building.
What companies will the Grabba Pack and SiteGuard help?
Some examples include –
Construction Companies – easily spot check any person or vehicle on your job site for compliance.
Wind Farms – Due to the very nature of the size of wind farms
Schools – Spot check any contractor on the spot to confirm they should be in your school
Mine Sites – Fly in and fly out contractors can easily be checked in and out in large numbers
Remote locations – Any remote location where you cannot set up a normal kiosk for checking people in and out
and you need a mobile solution including concerts, outdoor theaters.
Moving large numbers of people – perfect for checking people on and off buses in large numbers