Protecting visitors when special events (including high profile corporate conferences) are taking place is essential. Safety, of course, is pertinent to a good experience. To prepare for an event, focus on the following:
- Finding a venue that makes security and safety a priority – if you find a location that emphasizes the importance of having documented evacuation plans, fire extinguishers, and staff that is used to being on the lookout for suspicious activity, this is a good place to hold your event.
- Allowing security to do their job – if you hire outside security, allow them to do their job. Give them the authority to take control over the situation, and that includes giving them control over the venue staff.
- Checking identification – you want to ensure that the guests invited at the ones that attend. So don’t hesitate to check ID as they enter the premises to confirm that they are the guest that was actually invited. An invited guest can still cause a problem, but it is less likely when you have their identity confirmed.