When you have occasional visitors coming through your job site, there are
- Tell them never to approach equipment without first making eye contact with the operator – even when being lead by someone, visitors should be cautious enough to acknowledge the equipment operator personally, that way they can be certain that there will be no surprises.
- Explain that the ‘if you can’t see them, they can’t see you’ rule applies on the job site – it’s never wise for a visitor to assume that an equipment operator can see them. It may sound obvious, but isn’t something that someone unfamiliar with construction will know automatically.
- Explain the site’s escape routes – it’s important that visitors be familiarized with evacuation plans should something go seriously awry on the job site.
- Familiarize them with any manholes, and other hidden dangers – let your visitors know what is used to label dangerous areas on the construction site that they should look out for.
When you work in the construction industry, it’s easy to assume that visitors to the site know all the basic safety guidelines that you do. It’s always safer to assume that they know absolutely nothing! After all, tracking site visits and maintaining safety, should be your top priorities.