The timing of an event can often be the difference between a bad event and a good one. When planning an event, you will want to consider just what time of the year will be best. An event at the right time of the year be a uccessful event in terms of attendance and even when amassing an impressive set of speakers.
Schedule Your Event Around a Major Festival or Another Event
Chances are you will garner more success for your event when you plan it around a major festival or another important event. Especially when trying to lure more attendees to your event location, another major festival near your event will only entice invited attendees to come. An event can sound more appealing on promotional material and to the attendees themselves if there is something else going on in town around your event.
Consider an Event During the Week
While the Visitor Management System might make planning an event easier, it won’t help you figure out attendance issue if you schedule your event on the weekend. Many of those in the business world don’t want to give up their weekends to work related meetings and events. If you schedule your business event on the weekend, it will be difficult to get those weekend hungry business people to attend. An event during the week is more appealing as it is still during business hours. Attendees can still enjoy the weekend, especially if your event is being held outside of their home.
Stay Away from School Holidays
You might have your whole business event planned out on a school holiday. If this is the case, you will have trouble attracting attendees with families. School holidays are generally good times for families to take long weekends and get away together. The family probably doesn’t want to go to a business event instead of the beach.
Steer Clear of Time Near Public Holidays
The same rule of thumb can be followed for public holidays. Business events on or near public holidays will have trouble attracting attendees. Many are looking for a break from the office, not a four-day event about what they do everyday in the office.