There are always going to be visitors to a job site, but where there’s construction there is also danger. So it is important to limit the quantity of visitors, and that means setting parameters regarding who is welcome.
Below are some of the common people that can often be found on job sites. Some have a good reason to be there; others should not necessarily be allowed unless there is a good reason.
- Owners – owners and executives that work for the company the construction is being done for will want to tour the site periodically. For safety sake, it is wise to try and schedule these times when they can be escorted around the site, and it is possible for someone to answer any questions they may have about the site’s progress.
- Inspectors – throughout the process, there will be inspections conducted by the city for permits and more. There is no option to ban them from the site. You will need to accommodate them when they appear. But do not let them wander by themselves.
- Family members – employees may find it tempting to bring their children to visit at the job site, but even with guidelines, it is safer to keep them away. Even when family members are coached on safety guidelines it becomes more likely that an accident will happen. Children can also be distracting to other workers that need to focus on completing dangerous tasks.
- Other contractors – if another contractor comes to the site to complete a job that is not familiar with it, they should be escorted by a supervisor initially. This ensures that they are aware with established protocols and what’s happening around them. Just because someone is used to working in a construction environment, doesn’t mean that they should be given free reign off the bat.
It’s also important to keep track of all visitors on a job site.