Online visitor management software is now available to allow businesses like yours to easily keep track of exactly who is going in and out of your building. While a small business may not need much assistance in this regard, a larger facility, especially one which frequently sees visitors and contractors coming and going can certainly benefit from the higher level of security which contractor management systems can provide.
How Online Visitor Management Systems Work
Instead of having your front desk personnel have to keep an eye on everyone as they enter or leave and maintain a paper guestbook as your only record of visitors and contractors, a web based electronic visitor management program can handle the job with minimal human intervention. This software can be integrated with visitor terminals where everyone who enters your building or campus scans their identification and has a visitor badge issued, with their name and time of arrival being logged – and unlike a guestbook, you’ll never have a problem reading handwriting. These systems also offer the advantage of giving your company an instantly accessible record of everyone who is in your facilities at any given time; so any unwelcome visitors can be quickly identified and located.
Contractor management software is also a valuable tool which gives you an accurate, reliable record of contractor hours and attendance at your facilities. Not only do you gain the security benefit of knowing exactly who is on the job and when, but also a record which can be pulled up at any time – which can come in very handy if you should have a dispute with a contractor about billable hours or the number of staff they’ve had on the job.
Another benefit of using electronic visitor management systems is that your company can protect itself from competitors trying to find out what you’re up to. If your business is like most, you maintain sensitive financial or personal information on customers, vendors and other business partners or intellectual property; and the last thing you want is for this information to fall into the hands of criminals or your competition. Corporate espionage may not be the biggest threat that companies face, but it is a very real concern – and with identity theft on the rise, it only makes sense to take steps to protect your company. With added security and savings to be had, online contractor management software and electronic visitor management systems are definitely worth considering.